Frequent questions
Is Audacity safe?
Yes, Audacity is 100% safe. The program shows zero positives in VirusTotal and, since its release in 2000, has never been involved in controversy due to security flaws. It is also open-source software.
Which Audacity tutorial should I use?
On the official Audacity website, you can find a tutorial explaining all the tools and basic concepts of the program. It is an extensive tutorial with many screenshots- perfect for beginners.
Is Audacity on Android?
No, Audacity is not on Android, nor does it ever plan to be released on mobile devices. Even so, the Audacity developers recommend some alternatives for iOS and Android users: TapeMachine Recorder, VC Audio Pro, Hokusai and iSaidWhat.
Is Audacity free?
Yes, Audacity is free and open-source software. That said, the program has a donation system that you can use to support the project, which has been active since 2000 thanks to the selfless work of a multitude of volunteers.
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